Kyo’s What If…


Gimana kalo ditatap begini langsung tiap hari?



Seperti biasa dapet nyomot dari Li. Berhubung lagi senasib kena WB *perasaan wb mulu dirimu Kyo* dan lagi gabut d kantor mhehehe *jgn dicontoh ya*

Oke langsung mulai aja

Rules nya cuma dua, link back ke sini, dan jawab sesuai pertanyaan, maksudnya kalo diminta “only one answer” ya jawab satu aja gaboleh lebih *iya da ga mungkin kurang -_-* Boleh dibonusin gambar juga


If you could excel one thing in one hour, what would it be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).

Dancing. Biar bisa nari” kopel sama abang Kasper kaya teteh Taeyeon


*oke ngarep* *khayalan tingkat tinggi*


If you were reborn into any fictional character, who would you want to be?

Sherloc Holmes & Sinichi Kudo. Iya mereka laki-laki tulen, aku tahu, walau cuma fictional character. Tapi otaknya ohemji~~~ Kan wenak kalo macam mereka, masalah seputar indonesia eh kehidupan terpecahkan dalam satu jentikan jari *apalah*


Sama the devil wears prada aka Miranda Priestly

2d5790e89e449b958ba472b626c4208a  Emang sih beliau ini sangat perkesionis sekali, tapi uwooo. Semua pekerjaannya itu sempurna. I wanna be like her. Sempurna dalam banyak hal, meski ya manusia gada yg sempurna


If you could commit any crime without having to deal with the consequences, what would it be?

Ngerampok tukang korupsi 😀 Abis menyebalkan sekali liat mereka seenaknya makan duit orang, yang dimakan duitnya nelangsa *ah political communication sekali anda ini*


If there were a holiday in your honor, what would it celebrate?

Hari malas sedunia wkwkwk

Bebas deh situ mau ngapain aja. Mau tidur, nongkrong, makan terus, ato apapun lah, pokonya males”an 😀


If you could date any person, be it real person or fictional characters, dead or alive, which person would you date?

Harry Potter


biar kalo berangkat ke kantor ato kampus tinggal apparate atau disapparate mhahaha

Dan Kuran Kaname


“Sini dek ikut abang.”

tinggal minta digigit deh sama dia, dan bufh, jadilah abadi wkwkwk

Last but not least… Hades

Iya sang raja dunia bawah



If you could be in any place right now, where would it be?

SM building smef Terus menjelajah mencari anak” tampannya daddy Sooman *dan semua SM stan mengamuk padaku*


If you could remove one thing you loathe about yourself, what would it be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).



If you could change history, what would you change?

Setan ganggu Siti Hawa, jadi Siti Hawa nya ga makan buah khuldi deh, jadi ga jadi deh turun ke bumi nya *apalah*


If you had time and money to pursue any hobby, what would it be?

Nonton langsung classical performance. Macam theatre, opera, orchestra dan sejenisnya



If you were a piece of any kind of furniture, what would you be?



*Apalagi kalo beserta isinya yang full novel & manga 😀 *keliatan ga doyan belajar(formal)nya deh*


If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).

Seblak. Lagi ingin seblak super pedas nan asin banget please


Meski kata papahku ini makanan sampah. Gapapalah, toh memang semua yang masuk pencernaan ujungnya jadi sampah *ngeles*


If people made a movie of your life, what would the title be and which actor would you want to play you?

Nanana *aslinya gatau mau ngasih judul apaan*

Irene aka Bae Joohyeon


Ngga ngga, ga mirip aku ko, ngga sama sekali. Wong dia cantik sempurna jeh. Tapi pokonya aku pengen dia yang main wkwkwk *maksa*


If you were a dessert, which one would you be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).




If you were bitten by a vampire, at what age would you want to stuck?



If you were an Olympic athlete, what sport would you compete in?

Entahlah. Aku sungguh tak berbakat jadi atlet

Tapi… ice skate boleh lah


If you had to be a flower, which one would you like to be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).

Blue rose



If you were a color, what color would you be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).

Black. Ga gampang kotor soalnya, aku jorok si hahaha *buka aib deh*


If you were a spy, what would your codename be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).


Styx. Iya ini nama sungai di mitologi Yunani itu


If you had a theme song that played whenever you walked into a room full of people, what song would it be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).

Heal the World by Michael Jacson. Selalu tersentuh denger lagu ini


If someone gave you an island, what would you name it? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).

Terserah 😀

Soalnya kata-kata ini kaya crusial banget buat semua orang, Indonesia terutama wkwkw

Selain itu bebas deh nanti mau diganti-ganti juga, kan namanya terserah, ya terserah mau gimana


If you were a tree, what and where would you be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).

Whomping Willow, tapi bukan di Hogwarts, di kaki gunung deket sungai aja biar adem ditemeni gemericik air pula 😀



If you were to be a natural element, which would you rather be: air, earth, fire, water?



If you were heading out on a road trip right this minute, name three things you don’t want to miss?

Uang, handphone, ktp


If you were a scientist, what would you invent?

Cairan anti sakit


If you could say something to whoever read this, what would you say?

Makasih sangat udah mau baca. Banyak” istigfar ya biar ga kena gilanya daku :Dv


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